“No sex, age, tissue or organs are spared from effects of Celiac Disease”

This is the #1 thing you should listen to if you or someone you love has Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity. If you have people in your life or even one of your doctors who doubt the serious nature of it, have them listen too! (link at bottom)

2/27/17: Dr Allessio Fasano from the Center for Celiac Research is interviewed by Dr Theresa Nacassio on her radio show.

He talks about Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, the Microbiome, Leaky Gut, neurological complications in the brain and Autism, ADHD, Dimentia, Depression, Skin (Dermatitis Herpeteformis), Probiotics, Fecal Transplants and more!  He even talks about the Non-hybridized wheat myth, GMO’s, pesticides and more.

“No sex, age, tissue or organs are spared from the effects of Celiac Disease….”

The interview starts at  4min and 55 seconds on the timer in the link. You can fast forward through commercials too.  Dr Nacassio also has lots of other links to Dr Fasano’s interviews and talks on Celiac Disease up on her site.

Click Here

After Celiac: Vitamin Deficiencies, Symptoms, Testing

I am shocked by the number of customers who tell me that they were diagnosed with Celiac Disease, were told to “just eat gluten free” and then sent on their way.  No follow up appointments made and no other tests done. In this post, I tell you what tests should be done, which vitamin & nutritional deficiencies are common and the symptoms of those deficiencies.

Other testing is imperative, especially if you have gone a long time with undiagnosed Celiac Disease. If your regular physician diagnoses you, I highly recommend seeing a Gastroenterologist and a Dietitian who are well versed in Celiac Disease. Why? Because Celiac Disease can cause Anemia, Thyroid Issues, Severe Vitamin Deficiencies, etc. Follow up is also imperative to make sure that your small intestine is healing and that you are truly eating a gluten-free diet.

With all of the places out there offering a “GF Menu”, but not willing to  guarantee it is truly GF, there is a lot of cross contamination going on. I hear this from so many customers who come in and say they eat at “any place that has a GF Menu“. Then they are feeling sick and go back to their doctor and get follow up antibody tests done and their levels are still high;  their Celiac cannot go into remission because they are still ingesting gluten in small amounts. Needless to say, we see them a lot more when they are trying to get their levels down.

In 2011 I wrote extensively about this and sent it out once a year in my newsletter. In 2015, I transferred it to my blog so you can see it anytime. For more detailed information check out my blog post  under “Vitamin Deficiencies”.  I also tell you what the symptoms of the deficiencies are. (click on the blue link below and it will take you right to the article and scroll down to see the list of the 26!)

26 Nutritional and Vitamin Deficiencies in Celiac Disease & Symptoms

In a nut shell, here are just a few of the tests that should be done when diagnosed:

-Celiac Antibodies: IgA, tTg

-Anemia: Hemoglobin, B-12, Folate, etc. (I had Anemia)

-Vitamins & Minerals: B-6, Vitamin D (I had severe deficiencies)

-Mineral Profile

-Renal and Electrolyte Profile (I have Kidney Disease)

-Thyroid: TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) (I have Hashimoto’s Disease)

-Lipid Profile

-A1C (Diabetes; I put this one on the list; I have pre-diabetes)

Just so you know,  I am not the only one talking about this.. Beyond Celiac; formerly NFCA (National Foundation for Celiac Awareness) put some basic information up as well. It tells you what tests should be run and what your follow up testing for life should be. However, it is nowhere near as involved as what I give you in my previous blog post.

Please be diligent with your health!

Follow Up Testing (Beyond Celiac)


Celiac Disease and Liver Abnormalities

Celiac Disease & Liver Disease, A Common Combination (from March 2014 Newsletter):  I see many customers who tell me that their only symptom of Celiac Disease was from a blood test that showed liver abnormalities.  One is a Doctor, Endocrinologist, who would not let the unexplained liver abnormalities slide. He pursued this and was surprised to find the link to Celiac Disease, he was tested for Celiac Disease and was positive.

Like the rest of your body, your liver is not immune to Celiac Disease. It is not uncommon for those just diagnosed with Celiac Disease to hear that they have slightly elevated liver enzymes. Or for the elevated liver enzymes to be found prior to the Celiac Disease. However, once the gluten-free diet is in place the levels usually return to normal.  Click on the link below for more information:
