Another One Bites the Dust

Wow, this makes me sad; seeing another place bite the dust! I definitely loved Eva Ruth’s Bakery in Middletown, RI when I went back “home” to see family!  They had a full bakery and did a few sandwiches too.

Some of you probably remember me writing about my visit a couple of years ago. I was so happy to be able to support this awesome place when I went back to visit family.   Not only did they make great GF; they also made great Dairy Free items.  This was an awesome safe place for me when I was there 2 years ago.  I wish I could have visited more often but I have only taken 1 vacation in the past 5 years.  The website is down; this is what Ruth had to say on their Facebook page:

Dear Valued Customers of EvaRuth’s Speciality Bakery:

After seven years of business, the bakery will be closing permanently. This is a very difficult decision for me to make since my love for the bakery, its mission, and of course for you as customers remains undiminished. Concerns however related to my health and revenue make this decision best – while hoping that EvaRuth’s product line might again become available to you. The store’s final days and hours are:

Friday, April 21st 9:00am – 3:00pm and Saturday April 22nd 9am – the sale of all prepared foods and frozen bakery products. First come – first served.  Once again, I thank you for your dedicated patronage over the years and hope the best of health for each of you!  

Lesson: Please support the Gluten Free & Allergy Free places who’s sole existence is dedicated to keeping  you and/or your child safe when eating out!

Thank you Ruth for sacrifice on behalf of the Celiac and Food Allergy Community!Eva Ruths GF Bakery

Lupus; Hard to Diagnose

Many of our Celiac customers also have Lupus; another was just diagnosed last week! So, I thought I would share some information with you about it and why it is so hard to diagnose. First, like Celiac, it is an autoimmune disease and it has many different symptoms and not everyone presents with the same symptoms!

Lupus symptoms can develop slowly or come on very quickly.  Symptoms may also be mild or severe and they can be temporary or permanent.  However, most have flare ups and then things tend to subside.  Lupus occurs when your immune system attacks healthy tissue in your body. It is thought that Lupus is caused by your genetics and something in your environment that triggers it.  Some triggers may be sunlight,  an infection or certain blood pressure, anti seizure and antibiotic medications.

It is more common in women and is most often in people ages 15-40 and in African Americans, Hispanics and Asians.

These signs and symptoms will depend on which body systems are affected. 

Most Common Signs are:

-Fatigue and Fever

-Joint Pain, Stiffness and Swelling

-Butterfly shaped rash on the face that covers the cheeks and bridge of the nose

-Skin lesion that appear or get worse with sun exposure

-Fingers or toes that turn white or blue when exposed to cold (Raynaud’s Phenomenon)

-Shortness of breath, chest pain, dry eyes

-Headaches, confusion and memory loss

Complications can effect:

Kidneys, Brain and central nervous system, blood and blood vessels, lungs and your heart. It increases your risk of Infection, Cancer, Bone Tissue Death (avascular necrosis) and pregnancy complications.


Anti Inflammatory Drugs, Steroids, Immunosuppresents and Antimalarial drugs.

Diagnostic Tests: Blood Counts, Urine Tests, etc!

There are many Lupus Support Groups, just do a google search and you will find many!

For More Information visit the Mayo Clinic site: Click HereLupus