My Favorite Charity; Giving Tuesday

As many of you know, my favorite charities have to do with Celiac Disease, Autism and Food Allergies.  Each year, many of us choose to give to a charity and it is great that we do. I have to make a decision each year about where to put my donation.  This decision is easy to make when I look at where the donation will go and who it will help.

The criteria I use is simple. Where is the strongest need and will it help people locally in the Celiac, Autism and Food Allergy communities?  I choose SAFE Food Pantry because they are local and their mission is to bring safe gluten free/allergen friendly food to those in need. That is precisely what SAFE means: Supplying Allergy Friendly Emergency Food to those in need!

Well meaning family, friends and neighbors usually cannot safely feed those with Celiac Disease or food allergies when their is financial hardship.  The knowledge needed to safely prepare food is not mainstream and this leaves a big hole in the well meaning efforts to feed a family in need. The need is often left unfilled due to the lack of knowledge needed to prepare safe food.

I know first hand the hardship faced when there is an illness of a parent, a death of a parent, a loss of a job and the family is faced with trying to purchase safe food that costs 242% more than regular food. Over the years, I have tried to meet the needs of so many on my own. Unfortunately, One Dish Cuisine cannot financially support every family in need of safe food.  Our customer, Tiffany, saw this need as well and that is precisely why SAFE Food Pantry was started. To avoid any conflict of interest,  I am happy to say that I am on their advisory board only.  This incredible group of volunteers have been working hard on this for several year and are also One Dish Cuisine customers. I am so proud of their hard work.

SAFE Food Pantry is a 501 (c) (3) non profit and is local, here in Howard County, MD. You can donate safe shelf stable food or you can donate money to help them with the expenses incurred in running this food bank.  They are working with the Howard County Food Bank and hope to have them stocked soon!  When you are thinking of giving, please think of giving local, the need is so great!

Those with Celiac, Food Allergies or on a Gluten Free Diet for Autism are often left out in good times and they should not be forgotten in hard times. Thank you for your consideration. You can drop off a non-perishable donation anytime at One Dish Cuisine Cafe Deli and Bakery.

Click here to donate or learn more





Food Allergy Support Groups

I am shocked at the number of customers who come into our cafe, deli and bakery who are going it alone when it comes to their or their child’s food allergies.  FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) has a wealth of information available to you as well as a link to local support groups.  All you have to do is look.  If there is not one in your area, you can start your own. I urge everyone to find the support they need and forge new friendships with people who have the same problems!

Click Here to Find the Support You Need!
